Actor Deepika Padukone on Tuesday wished her partner, actor Ranveer Singh on his 36th birthday with a online video. Taking to Instagram, Deepika shared a movie of the few dancing to Twada Kutta Tommy, a viral combine by composed Yashraj Mukhate working with Shehnaaz Gill’s popular dialogue that she when […]
Deepika Padukone Dances With Her “Change Egos” Like No One’s Watching
A continue to from the online video Deepika Padukone shared. (Image courtesy: deepikapadukone) Highlights Deepika Padukone shared a quirky online video of herself on Monday 
 “Me… And all my change egos!” she captioned the put up 
 The actress can be seen grooving to a peppy track in the […]
Deepika Padukone to Katrina Kaif: Here’s how you can JAZZ UP your outfit with offbeat shoulder cuts
Bored donning the common off-shoulder, cold shoulder, boring-shoulder appears to be like? Perfectly, probably it really is time to just take a plunge to the new trend craze of asymmetrical-shoulder cuts. Look at it out!
 Written By P R Gayathri 271805 reads Mumbai Up-to-date: January 30, 2021 02:49 pm 