VBR Home Rave: Eco-Friendly Broken Top Candles – Vegan Beauty Review | Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty, Fashion, Food, and Lifestyle : Vegan Beauty Review

Dancing Trousers

Ooh, how I love taking delight in a gorgeously scented, all-natural candle. Broken Top Candle Co., based in Bend, OR, makes hand-poured, mall batch candles with clean-burning soy wax – a renewable source that’s better for the environment, better for air quality, providing a longer burn time, and gives a […]

Our Top Tips for Glowing Skin this Autumn!

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As the colder months come thick and fast, we wanted to give you our top tips to keep your skin fresh and glowy this Autumn. And with enough time, to look radiant at those festivities already in your diary… Exfoliation If you’re anything like us, the central heating will be […]

Your *Top 5* Favorite Products Of September

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Another month down means another round-up of all of your favorite products! I have access to analytics that track what all of you are clicking on, buying, and loving! These are the top 5 September best sellers… Clearly, I’m not the only one with fall shopping on the brain! Many […]

Top 7 Women Wellness Trends

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Coffee trends tend to come and go like many others, from lattes and cappuccinos and flat whites becoming a popular choice. However, from the recent London Coffee Festival there was a certain coffee that became popular with the crowd.. “Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms with therapeutic properties that have been used […]

top things to do on Cape Cod Aug. 27-Sept. 2

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FCTV holds flea market  Nonprofit Falmouth Community Television will host a flea market fundraiser, with selections of gently used and brand-new donated items for sale. Among them: vintage finds, art, furnishings, home decor, kitchen items, games, books, electronics, clothing, accessories, toys, knick-knacks and holiday items. Free popcorn and lemonade will be provided, and shoppers can enter […]