I just recently finished reading the book, Ripped: How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music. I’m kind of mad at myself for waiting so long to read it. It’s been in the “to read” pile for a long time and I just got around to reading it. It’s a fantastic look […]
Dance Practice Tops
Have Fun Between the Sheets! A Review of Sheet Music by Dr Kevin Leman
I’m not ashamed to say that sex is one of my favorite subjects. There is little I don’t like about sex between a married husband and wife, Whenever someone asks me, “Dr. Leman, whats the best position for sex?” I always respond, “Any position is good if it gets the […]
Top 3 Proven Speech Therapy Tips When Your Child’s Speech Is Unclear
Do you have problem understanding what your child is saying? Does she say “yion” instead of “lion” or makes mistakes with other sounds? Is your child getting left out in school or at the playground because other children cannot understand him? It is frustrating for both you and your child […]
The History of Rock Music – Book Review
During the fifties and later, vital, energetic, and rebellious youth produced their own music in contrast to traditional music, becoming a target for censors and conservatism. When I saw this book with an Elvis-like drawing on its cover, I had to pick it up, because it reminded me of the […]
Tips On Church Banner-Making: Permanent Application Process of Your Designs/Letters
This article is a continuation of basic church banner making processes. Here I will share details on how to permanently apply your already prepared designs to your banner background without sewing. As you may recall from previous articles, your patterns were used to trace and cut out your designs from […]
5 Reasons Why Attending Summer Schools Are Important To Dancers
The time has arrived! International Summer Schools 2018 all over the world, are enrolling now for dancers and dance teachers to enjoy many varied types of Summer Intensive Courses over the next few months. You may well already have booked on one… Or even more than one. But if you […]
The Pros and Cons of Pursuing a Career in Ballet
Ballet is beautiful to watch. The dancers look so graceful and beautiful, until it’s almost impossible not to dream of being one of them. There are children all over the world working to make that dream a reality. But it takes more than talent and a few classes to achieve […]
Review of the Alabama and Friends Music Festival at Sea on the Norwegian Pearl
This was my first music festival at sea. I got to hang out at the mid-ship pool with 2000 new friends and watch Alabama perform on three different occasions. I enjoyed the music of bands I had never heard of but will not forget. My girlfriend and I line danced […]
Ida – Heart Like a River – Music Review
Remember all those old albums you had you could put on when you were feeling melancholy and they would make you cry every time. When I was young it was Jackson Browne. Willie still does it. On Heart Like A River, Ida turns on the heart, opens it up and […]
10 Life Secrets I Learned in T’ai Chi and Qigong
In ancient China, sages and medical doctors studied reality as fields of energy. They discovered a universal life force known as “qi” (“chee”). When qi is integrated, aligned, and flowing smoothly, a person lives according to “The Way of Life” and they experience greater health, happiness, and well-being. The ancient […]