Jazz musician Etienne Charles celebrates 38th birthday with concert

Dancing Trousers

SAN­DRA L BLOOD blood­san­dral@ya­hoo.com Ac­claimed jazz mu­si­cian Eti­enne Charles cel­e­brat­ed his 38th birth­day final Sat­ur­day with a con­cert at the As­pen Artwork Mu­se­um’s jas­café, As­pen, Col­orado, un­der the aus­pices of Jazz As­pen Snow­mass Com­pa­ny (JAS). The exhibit was streamed stay on Face­book, start­ing with wel­come re­marks by pres­i­dent and CEO […]

Interview With Salsa Musician Marlow Rosado

Dancing Trousers

^ I Support Neighborhood Local community Journalism Guidance the independent voice of Miami and help continue to keep the future of New Occasions no cost. During the pandemic’s darkest times, when clubs were shuttered and his performances were canceled, Marlow Rosado retreated to his Miami Lakes recording studio. He experienced […]