Things to Remember When Getting Ready for Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery

Dancing Trousers

Deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery is not an easy process because it not only require patients to be physically fit but also to be mentally prepared to undergo such a procedure. Hence, getting nervous prior to undergoing an operation is a perfectly normal feeling for any patient. Yet when you are about get inverted nipple correction surgery, there’s nothing to be scared about as long as you know the do’s and don’ts before and after the procedure.

Cosmetic surgery to correct inverted nipples only takes roughly 30 minutes to an hour to get done. During this short period of time, you can be assured that nothing bad will happen to you and that the result will enhance the look of your once inverted nipples.

Now, what can you do to help reduce the risk of negative outcomes from your surgery? Firstly, prior to the surgery, you need to remember to stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs as they can lead to blood thinning and increase the risk of bruising. Examples of drugs to steer clear of are Voltarol, Nurofen and Aspirin. In addition to avoiding those drugs, you are also required to get an ample amount of rest days or weeks before undergoing the surgery.

Another thing to keep in mind is that during the inverted nipple correction surgery, local anesthesia will be given which can make a patient feel drowsy or sleepy even after the procedure thus you need to ask someone to take you into the hospital and then fetch you home too.

This type of cosmetic process does not cause any pain, except for the tiny discomfort from the anesthesia needle. Once the doctor is doing the surgery, your breast will be numb so no pain at all is felt. A foam dressing held by a brown Micropore tape will be placed around the nipple. This dressing should not be taken off unless advised by your doctor at your follow-up check after the surgery.

Once the surgery is over and done with, you need to have proper rest and forgo any actions that may lead to bleeding and swelling of your newly corrected nipples. Also, don’t forget that the Micropore tape must not be removed and make sure to keep it dry all the time. Three to four days following the surgery, you must go back to your cosmetic doctor for changing of the dressing and to check if you are having problems.

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