Vitamins For Menopause – Naturally!

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Are vitamin for menopause treatments effective? Menopause is the transitional period in a women’s life where fertility functions begin to shut down and with it come a host of symptoms which in many cases, catch people off guard. So how important are vitamins in the treatment of menopausal symptoms?

The most common treatment for menopause is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). One of the biggest anomalies with this is that women will normally be offered HRT if they are exhibiting symptoms however, in many cases, these symptoms may not be menopause related at all but attributed to other health conditions. In other words, they are aging related.

Vitamins For A Healthy Body

Being prepared for the onset of menopause doesn’t mean you need to stand behind a barricade and keep a lookout for it. Keeping your body healthy and ready to manage this natural occurring process is important. Good vitamin intake in association with a balanced diet means you are giving yourself every chance to adjust to menopause when it “arrives.” So a vitamin for menopause treatment should be a strongly considered option.

One of the biggest benefits of vitamin supplements is their role in maintaing a healthy bone structure. Recent studies conclude that bone formation can be impaired without adequate levels of vitamin K. Estrogen levels drop during early menopause and findings suggest that vitamin K function is diminished even before bone loss occurs. So in actual fact, the suggestion is that the accepted level of this vitamin is not adequate enough during the initial phase of menopause. Vitamin K has been the subject of a host of studies in relation to menopause and may not yet be completely understood.

Benefits Of Vitamins For Menopause

What is understood though is the function of vitamins such as B, C and E. Vitamin B has long been known as an active combatant against symptoms of stress and reduced energy levels. A good B complex can aid in the recovery from energy depletion and other related symptoms.

Vitamin E has “scored many bouquets” for having an effect on the incidence of hot flushes. It has also been found useful in aiding vaginal dryness, a common complaint of menopause. Vitamin E has a further multiplication benefit when taken in conjunction with some mineral nutrients.

The benefits of vitamin C have long been known, particularly in the area of treatment for illnesses such as colds and flus however, it has also been effective in reducing incidence of hot flushes in menopausal women as well as having the ability to promote elasticity in the skin. This has a added benefits in both preventing and also treating vaginal dryness.

Maintaining a healthy disposition long before menopause is even a factor can only be helpful in transitioning this natural stage of life. A vitamin for menopause treatment should be a strong option and one you should discuss with your health physician. There are many vitamin products on the market today and they are not all created equal. You may have to probe deeper than just settling for those you see on the supermarket shelves and perhaps consider products not available in the mainstream shopping arena.

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