Mass Audubon announces in-person programs through March 2021

Dancing Trousers

Berkshire County — Mass Audubon has announced new in-person and online programs through March 2021. Local in-person programs will be held at the Greylock Glen in Adams, Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Lenox, Post Farm Marsh in Lenox, Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary in Pittsfield, Lime Kiln Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Sheffield, and TurnPark Art Space in West Stockbridge. All programs require advance registration. Participants are asked to maintain six feet of distance between themselves and others, and to wear face coverings unless unable to do so due to medical conditions. Learn more and register for all programs at the Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary website.

Wildlife Tracking at Lime Kiln Farm in Sheffield
Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Join a Mass Audubon naturalist to explore wildlife tracking. Walk through fields and forests searching for tracks, scat, and homes of the secretive mammals who roam the sanctuary by day and night. This program is free through the support of the Sheffield Cultural Council.

Starlight Owl and Wildlife Prowl at Lime Kiln Farm in Sheffield
Friday, Jan. 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Member fee: $10  Nonmembers: $12
Enjoy a starlit evening listening and watching for owls and other nocturnal wildlife. Explore fields, forests, and wetlands, learning about animal adaptations for night hunting. This program will enjoy a gentle walk over sometimes uneven terrain, but with plenty of stopping and listening.

Winter Birds at TurnPark Art Space in West Stockbridge
Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021 at 10 a.m.
A Mass Audubon Guide will lead you through the sculpture park, where you’ll learn about the many birds that spend the chilly winter among the statues. Space is limited to 10 participants. This event is free, with a suggested donation of $15 upon arrival.

Cats and Canines Tracking Workshop at Canoe Meadows
Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Member fee: $15  Nonmembers: $20
Search for tracks, scat, and other signs of elusive wild cats and dogs that roam the fields and forests at Canoe Meadows. Focusing on long-legged creatures, this event will dig deep into how they stealthily walk, lope, and gallop across the landscape and what we can learn from clues they leave behind.

Photo courtesy Mass Audubon

Wildlife Tracking by Moonlight at TurnPark Art Space
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021 at 6 p.m.
Enjoy a moonlit stroll at TurnPark with a Mass Audubon naturalist. On a short walk through the outdoor sculpture park, listen and watch through the lens of wildlife tracking, searching for clues of elusive wild mammals (e.g. mice, squirrels, rabbits, fox, and bobcats), while taking in the landscape and art of TurnPark. Space is limited to 10 participants. This event is free, with a suggested donation of $15 upon arrival.

Winter Ecology: Snow and Ice at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Member fee: $15  Nonmembers: $20
Are all snowflakes truly unique? What happens to snow throughout the winter? How does snow transform and change from the moment it falls to earth to when it finally melts away? Explore the beauty and physical properties of snow and ice, and how the plants and animals survive New England winters.

How to Get Started Birding at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 at 9 a.m.
Member fee: $22  Nonmembers: $28
Winter is a perfect time to start birdwatching. Birds often come close to feeders and hardy winter birds can become familiar friends. Explore how to use shape, size, color, and sound to learn the species of birds. These tools, combined with behavior and habitat clues, will help you get to know your avian neighbors. Spend time moving to different locations by car to see how and where different birds spend their winter.

Full Moon Forest Walk at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Member fee: $10  Nonmembers: $12
Enjoy a moonlit evening, walking and listening to the sounds of the night. Learn about what goes on in the forest at night, with just the light of the moon as a guide.

Starlight Owl and Wildlife Prowl at Canoe Meadows in Pittsfield
Friday, Feb. 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Member fee: $10  Nonmembers: $12
Enjoy a starlit evening listening and watching for owls and other nocturnal wildlife. Explore fields, forests, and wetlands, learning about animal adaptations for night hunting. This program will enjoy a gentle walk over sometimes uneven terrain but with plenty of stopping and listening.

Birding Workshop: Winter Raptors at Lime Kiln Farm in Sheffield
Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021 at 4 p.m.
Member fee: $22  Nonmembers: $28
Dive into the world of avian predators and how they spend the winter. From the daytime hawks perched on tree tops to secretive evening owls, there are many birds of prey that winter in the Berkshires. Learn about raptor movements, behavior, and where to find them. Beginning at Lime Kiln Farm, travel to multiple locations searching for diurnal raptors and continue on after dark when the owls begin to hunt.

Photo courtesy Mass Audubon

Tracking Workshop: Weasels and Rodents at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Member fee: $15  Nonmembers: $20
Hoppers and bounders, such as squirrels and weasels, leave behind tracks that reveal their secretive habits and survival strategies. Explore the trails at Pleasant Valley in search of tracks, scat, chews, and other evidence of rabbits, squirrels, mink, fisher, and weasels.

Winter Ecology: Beavers and other Mammals at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Member fee: $15  Nonmembers: $20
Beavers are some of the hardiest mammals, remaining active under the ice all winter long. Search for the signs of what these thick-furred creatures are doing in the coldest days of the year. Along the way, search for signs of other active winter mammals of Pleasant Valley such as porcupine, fisher, fox, and deer.

Starlight Owl and Wildlife Prowl at Post Farm Marsh in Lenox
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Member fee: $10  Nonmembers: $12
Enjoy a starlit evening listening and watching for owls and other nocturnal wildlife. Explore fields, forests, and wetlands, learning about animal adaptations for night hunting. This program will enjoy a gentle walk over sometimes uneven terrain, but with plenty of stopping and listening.

Sky Dance of the American Woodcock at Lime Kiln in Sheffield
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Member fee: $7  Nonmembers: $10
When the sun sets in early spring, woodcock love is in the air. Wet meadows and fields are transformed into a “runway” for their aerial courtship display. Visit the meadows to listen and watch for the woodcock’s performance on their breeding grounds. Viewing the woodcock’s sky dance is a natural spectacle that should not be missed.

Sky Dance of the American Woodcock at Post Farm Marsh in Lenox
Friday, March 19, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Member fee: $7  Nonmembers: $10
When the sun sets in early spring, woodcock love is in the air. Wet meadows and fields are transformed into a “runway” for their aerial courtship display. Visit the meadows to listen and watch for the woodcock’s performance on their breeding grounds. Viewing the woodcock’s sky dance is a natural spectacle that should not be missed.

Photo courtesy Mass Audubon

Birding Workshop: Winter Finches at Canoe Meadows in Pittsfield
Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 9 a.m.
Member fee: $22  Nonmembers: $28
Open your ears to the intricate and often tricky search for winter finches. The winter of 2021 may be the best opportunity to discover and experience several beautiful finches that may only visit every few years. Begin at Canoe Meadows and travel to multiple locations listening hard for the chip and songs of finches who are working hard to find enough seed to survive the winter.

Sky Dance of the American Woodcock at Canoe Meadows in Pittsfield
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Member fee: $7  Nonmembers: $10
When the sun sets in early spring, woodcock love is in the air. Wet meadows and fields are transformed into a “runway” for their aerial courtship display. Visit the meadows to listen and watch for the woodcock’s performance on their breeding grounds. Viewing the woodcock’s sky dance is a natural spectacle that should not be missed.

Sky Dance of the American Woodcock at Greylock Glen in Adams
Friday, March 26, 2021 at 7 p.m.
When the sun sets in early spring, woodcock love is in the air. Wet meadows and fields are transformed into a “runway” for their aerial courtship display. Visit the meadows to listen and watch for the woodcock’s performance on their breeding grounds. Viewing the woodcock’s sky dance is a natural spectacle that should not be missed. This program is offered free as an introductory program at the Greylock Glen.

Winter Ecology at Pleasant Valley in Lenox
Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Member fee: $15  Nonmembers: $20
No leaves? No problem. You can still learn to recognize oaks, maples, cherries, beech, birches, and other woodland trees in winter. View tree samples, practice using field guides, and take a hike to test observation and identification skills. Tree ID guides are available for purchase at the Visitor Center Gift Shop, BYO guide, or sample guides available for loan.

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