More and more men are seeking out plastic surgery and seem to have no qualms about going under the knife. Women still account for more plastic surgeries annually, but it seems like the men are catching up! Men want to eliminate their droopy necks, droopy eyes, protruding bellies and excess body fat. Plastic surgery is not covered by insurance most of the time. Yet, men seem to want to achieve one objective and that is to look attractive. They want to make themselves more acceptable looking in society and correct features that are embarrassing to them.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently released statistics which show that plastic surgery in men is up by 2% compared to statistics from 2009. Many males have opted for a one time surgical procedure to correct any embarrassing features. Men prefer to stick to one operation instead of returning time and time again to the plastic surgeons office like women do. Facelifts for men increased in 2010 by 14% and liposuction by 7%. ASPS statistics show that in 2010 men went under the knife in nearly 1.1 million cosmetic procedures, both surgical and minimally invasive. It seems like men are more interested in cosmetic procedures compared to minimally invasive treatment which was popular several years ago.
Phillip Haeck, President of ASPS, said that the increase in cosmetic surgery for men is an indication that the baby boomers are ready to go under the knife. Soft tissue fillers and Botox are minimally invasive procedures and these only work to a certain point. With age and gravity, however, cosmetic surgery becomes necessary to lift the skin area that is sagging if men want to show major improvements to their self appearance. Cosmetic surgery has made huge gains in techniques, where patients are not required to spend time at the hospital recovering. Recovery is done on an outpatient basis. This appeals to men greatly who hate the idea of a procedure taking too much of their time away from other things such as work and family.
Men frequently opt for minimally invasive treatment for this very reason. Soft tissue fillers and Botox injections can be done during a quick visit to the plastic surgeon and is only intended to erase a few wrinkles here and there. Women have long considered appearance as their number one priority, it looks like men are following suit. Men in the modern age seek surgical procedures for a variety of reasons. Some men just after a divorce and right back in the dating game want to look their best; others want to maintain an edge of youthfulness in an environment dominated by youth.
Even teens and younger men are opting for surgical procedures that will give them an edgy and rough masculine appearance. Statistics show that from 18,000 male participants who underwent male breast reduction, nearly 75% of them were between 13 and 19 years of age. Plastic surgeons are happy that there is an increase of men willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. This is especially uplifting news during the bleak economy since 2008.