What To Wear During the Grand March?

Dancing Trousers

A Grand March is an event opener for centuries. It is time to show off the fineries and the date and also to check out what everyone else is wearing. A grand march starts off with a ball. It is simply a march around the room with a partner, usually with music. It is very easy and is suitable for non-dancing partners. When a grand march is announced, one has to find a partner and line up with others. Some may come with a date, some with a partner and if they have come alone, they will go about asking for one is alone.

A grand march is usually held after a wedding ceremony. It is done by couples led by the wedding couples. While organizing a wedding march, it is wise to teach the couples the figures that are planned to use. The co- conspiratorial couples should be either placed directly behind the wedding couple or at the middle or at the very end of the line. If anyone is sitting without a couple, they can direct the traffic. The grand march is a traditional thing, which leads to a formal ball. All couples line up and come around the hall in various figures.

During the grand march, the bride’s maid, the groom’s men and anyone, who attend the grand march should bring some thing or wear a dress that represents the things or interests of the bride and the groom. For instance, if the bride is nurse, the women who attend the grand march can wear a white dress and hang a stethoscope around the neck and the men can wear scrubs. This dress can be worn over their dress or tuxes.

Men usually wear a kilt to the grand march and it is not necessary to have one. To a formal grand march, men can wear a suit and tie that would be appropriate for the event. For a semi formal grand march, a nice pair of trousers and shirt could be very much appropriate attire. If you have never worn a kilt or a suit, then this is the perfect time to borrow and try out.

In Scotland, ladies at a grand march have the golden opportunity to wear those brides’s maid dress and gowns which can otherwise will not be worn again.

Grand March is the time to wear those dresses a few times. If you don’t have a gown, then an attractive skirt and top dress will certainly be okay for the march. Whatever may be the style of dress you wear to a grand march, make sure you don’t wear a narrow skirt or dress that will not make you move your legs freely to dance.

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