Sewing in a zipper in your crocheted garments doesn’t really take rocket science. As long as you follow a few steps, you can get started with using your new zippers in no time at all.
How to Sew in Closed Zippers
In the case of closed zipper, baste together first the two pieces of home crochet and make sure to match the row ends if this is possible. See to it that the two edges are lying perfectly flat. You should pin the zipper right in place in the middle of the opening then baste it. You might be able to baste it using the same wool you used for home crocheting the garment with. However, this may take some thought and research on your part.
As the wrong side is facing up, sew in the zipper right in place manually using close backstitch. You should work in a straight line down the teeth’s edge. Take several stitches across the lower part then continue up to the other side.
How to Sew in Open-Ended Zippers
As for open-ended zippers or those that will serve as a feature or adornment of your home crocheted garment, the crochet should be pinned and basted. Backstitch in place manually with the zipper closed and the right side facing.
To complete either an open-ended or closed or zipper, overcast the zipper’s outer edges to the home crocheted garment. See to it that the stitches are not seen on the right side. All the basting must be removed.
There are a few ways to join crochet and fabric. You can use any fabric but reversible and bonded fabrics are the best because these don’t ravel.
It takes some practice to work fine crochet on linen. You might want to experiment with it using old fabric scraps.
You can edge fabric squares in crochet and join them with a chain stitch. You can also use a reversible blanket fabric for making a coat or joining a piece of insertion lace to the fabric squares. Through working additional rows on crochet edging around the square, you will be able to form a lace panel that runs between the squares of fabric that can be used in a lot of things. Your imagination and creativity is the limit here.
Fabrics that ravel must be cut with half an inch seam allowance that is turned under then basted down manually.
With the use of a crochet hook as well as suitable yarn for the specific fabric used, you can insert hook starting from the front through to fabric’s back. Yarn over the hook then draw through a loop that is long enough for reaching the fabric’s top edge.
You can yarn over the hook then draw through a loop with the similar length as the initial loop. Insert back the hook in the fabric at similar depth as the initial stitch with a space left between stitches.
Repeat the process until a corner is reached. Work three stitches in the same spot at the corner then continue along the next side.
With the help of these small tidbits of information, you can put your mind at ease a bit every time there is a need for you to sew in a new zipper into your crocheted clothes or other crocheted stuff around the house. And now that you know how to sew in a zipper, click here for metal zippers and start putting your new learning to use!