Custom Emerald Engagement Ring

Dancing Trousers

When it comes to proposal, surprising your fiancée with a unique engagement ring design is by far one of the best feeling a man can feel.

While custom diamond ring designs are the norm for proposals, going sideways choosing a unique an mysterious precious stone as the emerald is a sure way to surprise her and make your engagement ring colourful.

Of course, be sure emerald is a stone that she loves.

Emerald stones were considered precious for centuries, by far before diamonds were even know all over the world.

In the case of this emerald engagement ring making, we are going to show you all the steps our clients went through to create a truly unique emerald ring so he could propose his fiancée with one of a kind ring.

emerald ring customized for proposal

 This custom engagement ring shows boths emeralds stones and the main diamond set in the center of the ring

This customized engagement ring was made through our custom ring service allowing you to create your unique ring idea. You can contact us about your project through this form.

custom emerald engagement ring with natural emerald stone unique natural emerald ring in 18k gold

 More examples of simple but custom emerald rings

Designing a unique ring for his fiancée

In the case of this ring project, our client was the mastermind of the project and knew exactly what he wanted. During weeks he had made his homework studying his fiancée’s jewelry preferences to define the stones for the project and the ring design that she would sure like.

He came to us with this ring design on paper:

unique emerald ring design idea

 Engagement ring drawing defining the project to make

The ring is made of a unique shank set with a main 4 millimeters large diamond shouldered by two emerald stones 3 millimeters large and 6 peridot gemstones 2 millimeters large.

The shank will be made of 18-karat white gold.

With this unique ring design idea so clearly detailed by the fiancé, we could proceed to the CAD modeling of the ring project enabling us to set the shank width and the stones size to unsure of the harmony of the design to be made.

Thanks to this 3D model we could produce rendering views of the ring project giving a very accurate view of the finished project, even before starting to make it in gold.

unique emerald ring design for an engagement proposal

 Rendering view of the CAD model of this engagement ring project

Choosing the stones for the ring

 As our client knew which ring design he wanted, he also had a good idea of the stones to be set on the shank.

The main stone should be a good quality 4 mm round diamond accompanied by two deep green emerald stones and three smaller stones light green tone.

We could find a fantastic 0,25 carat white diamond with D color, VS2 purity, and excellent cut certified by the GIA gemology laboratory. You can see this diamond here under.

gvs2 white diamond for engagement ring setting

Close up view of the diamond VS2 purity with a magnificense of X25, the diamodn is 4 mm large

gia certificate of the ring's diamond

 GIA diamond certificate of the diamond to be set on this ring design

The two emerald stone choosen are deep green emeralds and the lateral small stones are peridot stones to fit with the fiancée taste for light green gemstones.

Making the engagement ring 

Once the ring’s CAD design validated and the stone choosen, we started the making of the metal shank. The 3D model is used to 3D print the ring that is then cast in 18k white gold through the lost wax casting process.

The rough white gold ring is obtained from this process.

18k white gold engagement ring cast

Once the rough cast ring comes from the casting process, it has to be deburred and prepolished so the gemstones can be set on the ring.

Nice gemstones have to be set on this ring, starting with the smaller and most economical stones.

stone setting on an emerald engagement ring

View of the ring after setting the peridot stone on the ring’s flanks

setting round emerald stones on unique engagement ring

 Then follow the setting of the emerald stones before the main diamond stone

Once all the stones set on the ring, this latter is polished and rhodium plated, giving this result.

unique emerald engagement ring 

unique emerald ring design idea

 emerald engagement ring custom made

 View showing the emerald engagement ring on the finger

Quick view of different emerald stone shapes and cuts.


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