The Lingerie Guide to the Universe

Dancing Trousers

Lingerie does for a woman’s body what seasoning does for food. Just as the spices and herbs enhances the flavor of food, corsets, bustier, gowns, sexy bras and thongs enhances the visual effects of a woman’s body. I don’t know what primitive man first discovered adding herbs and spices to food, but, God bless him. Don’t get me wrong… I believe food can be quite tasty without spices; however, it is even better with them. Same for lingerie.

Lingerie accentuates the shape of a woman. Women are beautiful on their own, but lingerie can give that extra kick that makes them bubble with flavors never before imagined.

As I thought about that, I realized I had just made a connection between lingerie and food. How odd, what a strange connection when you think about it. Is there any real connection between lingerie and food? What about everything else in the universe? I think lingerie is linked with the entire universe, and I am out to prove it. Let’s take a look at food first.

From Lingerie to Food:

1) Lingerie

loose T-shirt made of cotton, polyester, nylon or diaphanous chiffon that can be worn like a Babydoll.


[Synthesis / Alcoholic transesterification] ethylene glycol (doubly alcohol-terminated). Multifunctional monomers (i.e., glycerol) result in cross-linking


Glycerin is used in glycerin soap, in cosmetics and creams, in foods, in chemistry, and in glycerin mist.

Hence we come to food

2) Lingerie

French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are eroticised in Western culture.




[Other paraphilias] sitophilia: sexual arousal from food.

And here we are at food again.

3) Lingerie

Merry widow

Merry widow -backed hook-and-eye flange, and the whole garment was lined with nylon voile. Nine long spiral wires were cased in black


[Historical uses] conspiracy theorists surmise that cannabis sativa was made illegal because the fibres from the hemp plant, used for fabrics


hemp (Cannabis sativa”) as a source of oil, food, fibre, etc. Yep, back to food again.

There you go, at least three ways lingerie is linked to food. What about other things?
Well, why not start with some of the obvious ones like sex:

Lingerie to Sex:

1) Lingerie

derived from the French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are heavily eroticised in Western culture.


[History / Present day] at least in advertising. Sex became the main selling point, bringing to fruition a trend that had been building since at least the flapper era

Sex- see, I told you this one was obvious. Want a more obscure one?

2) Lingerie

French maid

French maid

They are a form of ladies’ Fantasywear that depending on design, details can be classified as lingerie


clothing, usually including lingerie, that people wear in the boudoir for living out Sexual Fantasies.

Sex- Not so obvious that time.

3) Lingerie



Worn after bathing or other activities where the wearer is nude to keep warm and/or preserve modesty in times of no immediate need to fully dress.


friend or family of the same sex


Ok, another easy one, love.

Lingerie to love:

1) Lingerie

French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are heavily eroticised in Western culture.


is an aesthetic focused on sexual desire, especially the feelings of anticipation of sexual activity.


[See also] Virtues: Love, Romantic love, List of ethics topics

Love – See how easy that was?

2) Lingerie

French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are heavily eroticised in Western culture.


Human sexuality

Human sexuality

[Topics in human sexuality] love

Love- Still too easy, lets see if we can make this link a little more challenging.

3) Lingerie



a garment made of towel like material and is typically worn at home after a bath or other activities where the wearer is wanting to cover up.


[Pop culture trivia / Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy] the towel can even be used in melée combat. You can use it to hide from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Races from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ( this also links lingerie back to the title of this article and Hitchikers guide to the galaxy for which the title was modeled after.)

[Fuolornis Fire Dragon] They often accidentally adored things to bits and hurt the ones they loved because of their rocket-booster breath and park-fence teeth. (That reminds me. I wonder what my ex is up to these days.)


We did love, why not passion.

From Lingerie to Passion:




A gown worn as part of the religious dress of a cleric, chorister, monk, batizand, etc.


[Historical overview of choral music / Baroque music] passions and other music. He is also famous for his vast output in chorales, essentially stylistically harmonised


passions and other works. These harmonisations are so well known that Bach’s name is virtually synonymous with the chorale in


2) Lingerie

Corset by bone


[See also] Body modification

Body modification

teeth, and/or tongues, including amputation, burning, flagellation, piercing, skinning, and wheeling.


[Association with religion / Slavery] Flagellation of Christ, an episode in Jesus’ physical degradation leading to the Crucifixion. (See Passion) ( I’ll probably get letters on that reference)


3) Lingerie



it is a common garment for those who indulge in sexualized play-acting around ideas of infantilism.


[The psychology of infantilism / Psychological perspectives on infantilism] infantilism is usually regarded as a type of sexual roleplaying and is often viewed as a variation of BDSM.


[Various practices / Switching] BDSM may encompass practices such as erotic spanking, flagellation, such as flogging, paddling or whipping


[Association with religion / Slavery] Flagellation of Christ, an episode in Jesus’ physical degradation leading to the Crucifixion. (See Passion)( Just to make sure I get those letters, and possibly death threats, rolling in.)


Since I mentioned Jesus Christ in the last reference lets see how lingerie and the church are linked.

From Lingerie to Church:

1) Lingerie



[Compare] after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, a revolt by the guerrilla Protestant “Camisards”

Edict of Nantes

(1598) and ordered the destruction of Huguenotchurches, as well as the closing of Protestant schools

Church- That’s kind of a negative relationship, lets see if we can find a positive one.

2) Lingerie



A gown worn as part of the religious dress of a cleric, chorister, monk, batizand, etc., in various

Terminology: A vocal ensemble which sings in a church, or sings exclusively sacred music, is called a

Church – Yes that’s much better.

3) Lingerie


Garter (clothing)

Order of the Garter, which traces its history to the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Middle English

[Literary and Linguistic Cultures] Middle English was one of the three languages current in England. Though never the language of the church, which was always Latin


I have no intention of picking on religion, shall we move on? Let’s try something people do in church, like getting married.

Lingerie to Marriage:

1) Lingerie


Garter (clothing)

and colorful garters were an object of display. In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, “cross braced” garters are an object of some derision.

Twelfth Night (play)

Olivia asks him to marry her. The play ends in a declaration of marriage between the Duke and Viola, and Olivia and Sebastian

Marriage – Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

2) Lingerie


Garter (clothing)

Groom’s privilege to remove the garter and toss it to the male guests. The symbolism to deflowering is unambiguous.


especially in regards to religious views of retaining one’s virginity before marriage. The term maiden


3) Lingerie



1846 the New York Knickerbockers played the first game of “base ball” organized under those rules, in Hoboken, New Jersey, and were trounced 23 – 1

Hoboken, New Jersey

[Demographics / Post World War II] There are 19,418 households out of which 11.4% have children under the age of 18 living with them, 23.8% are married couples living together


Too easy so far? Well, I own a lingerie and biker clothing store. Many have wondered what the relationship is, so, shall we try that?

From Lingerie to Motorcycle:

1) Lingerie

Corset by bone


Corsets are typically constructed of a flexible material (like cloth or leather) stiffened with boning


[Forms of leather / Leather from other animals] Leather is used to make items which need to be strong but flexible, such as motorcycle gloves.


2) Lingerie



is a simple garment worn next to the skin to protect clothing from sweat and body oils. Chemise is the French term. Italians called it a “camicia”.

French language

[History / Modern issues] There is some debate in today’s France about the preservation of the French language and the influence of English (see franglais)


old motorcyclist that I loved (play on “mieux vaut tard que jamais” — better late than never)


3) Lingerie



is a simple garment worn next to the skin to protect clothing from sweat and body oils. Chemise is the French term. Italians called it a “camicia”.

French language

[Geographic distribution / Modern issues] Also, there are some French speakers in Lebanon, Cambodia, Egypt, India (Pondicherry), Italy (Aosta Valley)


[Transportation / Civil war and genocide] The locals normally use automobiles, motorbikes and buses. Velotaxis are an additional option often used by visitors.


4) Lingerie



bedjacket is a light jacket, usually a peignoir, worn to bed while sleeping.


jacket is a light coat.


The coat as an article of clothing for humans

Coat (clothing)

[Types of coats / Modern coats and jackets] Motorcycle jacket, a leather jacket, usually black, worn by motorcycle riders


5) Lingerie



In erotic or costume use, they are usually referred to as catsuits


Unlike a unitard, its use rarely involves sports, and it may be made of leather, rubber, PVC, or velour


[Forms of leather / Leather from other animals] Kangaroo leather is used to make items which need to be strong but flexible, such as motorcycle gloves, jackets, mask, and skull caps.


Sorry about the two additional references, they are my passions. My shop is located in Augusta Ga. What is the link?

Lingerie to Augusta Georgia:

1) Lingerie



[The history of the chemise] women’s shifts did not fall out of fashion until the early 20th century, when they were generally replaced by brassieres, panties, girdles, and


[Underwearing / Present day] The animated cartoon character Homer Simpson is often depicted sitting on his couch in his briefs drinking.

Homer Simpson

[Overview] Dooooh” from the films of Laurel and Hardy.

Laurel and Hardy

[Oliver Hardy] (January 18, 1892 – August 7, 1957) was born Norvell Hardy in Harlem, Georgia near Augusta, Georgia, in the United States of America.

Augusta, Georgia

(bit of a stretch on that one, lets try it in reverse)

1) Augusta, Georgia

[Famous Augustans] Laurence Fishburne, actor

Laurence Fishburne

as well as a recurring role as “Cowboy Curtis” alongside Pee Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) in the CBS children’s television show.

Paul Reubens

[Arrest II] as he stated that he was a collector of “erotic artwork” and he had a sizable collection of vintage erotica.


[See also] lingerie (erotic underwear)


That one was a little more difficult. Shall we try something really ambiguous. Say, a Mountain?

From Lingerie to Mountain:

1) Lingerie



is a simple garment worn next to the skin to protect clothing from sweat and body oils. Chemise is the French term. Italians called it a “camicia”.

French language

[Geographic distribution / Modern issues] Vanuatu


[Geography] – are also claimed by the French overseas department of New Caledonia. Most of the islands are mountainous and of volcanic origin.


2) Lingerie

French maid

French maid

They are a form of ladies’ Fantasywear that depending on design details can be classified as lingerie


or French Maid or Fraulein outfits ensembles, or by the use of materials such as PVC, Satin or Rubber


and plain weaves are the 3 basic types of weaving by which the majority of woven products are formed.


Plains may be more suitable for farming than plateaus or mountains.


3) Lingerie

Corsage by elastic


bouquet as a fashion accessory attached (usually) to dress


A group of television channels owned by the same company, e.g. British Sky Broadcasting or Turner Broadcasting

Television station

Because some regions have had difficulty picking up over-the-air signals (particularly in mountainous areas), direct-to-home cable or satellite stations provided service.


Mountain not big enough? How would we link lingerie to the world?

From Lingerie to World:

1) Lingerie



camisole is a woman’s undergarment which covers the top part of the body. It is sleeveless and tight fitting in contrast to a loose-fitting


[Related topics / Present day] BVD


BVD arguably was, and remains, the best known initial trademark in the world


2) Lingerie



but now of knitted wool, silk, cotton or nylon (see Hosiery). The word stock used to refer to the bottom “


native to the tropical and subtropical regions of both the Old World and the New World.

New World

The continents were new to the Europeans, who thought of the world as consisting only of Europe, Asia


3) Lingerie



[The history of the chemise] women’s shifts did not fall out of fashion until the early 20th century, when they were generally replaced by brassieres, panties, girdles, and


Undergarments can also have religious significance, as in the special temple garment worn by followers of the


[Compare with / Related philosophical stances] – essentially an extremely cautious means of building a supportable, evidenced understanding of our world


Let’s not stop with this little planet, how about the solar system?

From Lingerie to Solar system:

1) Lingerie



A Camisole can be worn over a brassiere or without one. Some camisoles come with a built-in underwire bra which eliminates the need for a bra


[Push Up Bras] Some more innovative push-up bras use silicone inserts or water sacks to imitate the fullness of a natural breasts


[Chemical terminology] like a ketone group with Si in place of C (the same terminology is used for compounds such as silane, which is an analogue of methane)


[Methane not on Earth] Methane has been detected or is believed to exist in several locations of the solar system. It is believed to have been created by abiotic processes

Solar system

2) Lingerie

loose T-shirt made of cotton, polyester, nylon or diaphanous chiffon that can be worn like a Babydoll.


[Applications] Holograms


Holograms are common in science-fiction, most notably Star Trek, Star Wars, and Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

[Invented words / Nova 5] Red Dwarf left the Solar System was apparently the “dollarpound”, divided into one hundred “pennycents”.

Solar system

3) Lingerie

Corset by bone


garment worn to mold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or orthopaedic purposes


[Aesthetics in the visual arts] perceived mass, subliminal structure, linear dynamics, tension and repose, pattern, contrast, perspective


The planets of our solar system are caught in an incredibly ancient pattern by the gravity of the

Solar system

Keep Going? Galaxy would be next.

From Lingerie to Galaxy:

1) Lingerie

Corset by bone


a woman’s corset was usually worn over a garment called a chemise or shift, a sleeveless low-necked gown made of washable material


derived meanings of change, such as red shift, Great vowel shift, paradigm shift


[Introduction] The term redshift is also used for the observation that light emitted by distant galaxies is shifted to longer wavelengths


2) Lingerie

French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are heavily eroticised in Western culture.


Sexual fantasy

Sexual fantasy

of Christian martyrs, many of whom resort to self-mutilation to preserve their virginity or chastity


in many Neopagan traditions. The constellation Virgo represents a wide selection of sacred virgins.


[Notable deep sky objects] to 10° west of Vindemiatrix (e Vir), this constellation is especially rich in galaxies.


3) Lingerie



unitard is a skin-tight one-piece garment with long legs and sometimes long sleeves. It differs from a

One-piece garment



[The traditional philosophy / Styles] (the body as the world) unites with the ‘sharira-mandala’ ( the whole universe).


[Expansion and age, and the Big Bang theory] A fundamental aspect of the Big Bang can be seen today in the observation that the farther away from us galaxies are.


Finally, that gets us to the Universe.

From Lingerie to Universe:




skirt, dress or sari. The petticoat is a separate garment hanging from the waist.


[The traditional philosophy / Styles] (the body as the world) unites with the ‘sharira-mandala’ ( the whole universe).


2) Lingerie



[The history of the chemise] women’s shifts did not fall out of fashion until the early 20th century, when they were generally replaced by brassieres, panties, girdles, and


Undergarments can also have religious significance, as in the special temple garment worn by followers of the


[The nature and content of religion / Questions that religions address] Creation beliefs, which seek to explain the origin of the universe, the Earth, life, and humanity


3) Lingerie

French maid

French maid

They are a form of ladies’ Fantasywear that depending on design details can be classified as lingerie


or French Maid or Fraulein outfits ensembles, or by the use of materials such as PVC, Satin, etc.


technique that forms a minimum number of interlacings in a fabric. If fabric is formed with a satin weave using filament fibers such as silk….


In astronomy, it is used to refer to any thread-like structure in the astronomical universe


There you go, lingerie is weaved into the very fabric of the universe. I knew it all along. Those that have used lingerie probably know it, too. I wonder if lingerie is the very meaning of life….?

Note: Here are a few more links that deserve mentioning.

Lingerie to Couple:




it is a common garment for those who indulge in sexualized play-acting around ideas of infantilism.


[The psychology of infantilism / Psychological perspectives on infantilism] infantilism is usually regarded as a type of sexual roleplaying and is often viewed as a variation of BDSM. In this variation


[See also / Switching] Swinging


[History] It has consistently found that swingers have better pair-bonds than monogamous couples. The most recent and most thorough study


Lingerie to Fidelity:


derived from the French language, for women’s undergarments. These garments are heavily eroticised in Western culture.


[History / Middle Ages and Renaissance] urban legend that Crusaders worried about the fidelity of their wives forced them to wear chastity belts.


From Lingerie to Monogamy:



Garter (clothing)

which traces its history to the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

[Plot synopsis / The Meeting with the Green Knight] Arthur refuses to blame Gawain and decrees that all his knights should henceforth wear a green sash in recognition of Gawain’s courage and honour


[Honour, sex, and violence] virginity, or at least to preservation of exclusive monogamy.


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