Fashionable Designer Lingerie and Branded Lingerie

Beauty of a woman is a matchless attribute; with nothing to surpass it. So long a time there have been the existence of women in this world, there have been lingerie’s as well. This fashion serving luxury undergarment expresses her beauty loving feminine personality, apart from the basic need of supporting her physique. Though the word ‘lingerie’ normally describes both male and female undergarments, the term is commonly used to refer woman’s intimate wear. Lingerie is a broad term and includes garments like bras, panties, stockings, thongs, garters, peignoirs, sheer night gowns, and exotic night wearsEvolution of Lingerie:Concept of the lingerie’s dates back to the period when people lived in forests whose beginnings are lost in far antiquity. Women in those days bound their body with long scarves folded, looped, and cross folded so as to mould their figures and enhance their beauty. Sculptures of the classical age depict women wearing pieces of fabric to support their bust and waist.

The applications of these fabrics were simple and functional, focusing more on support over appearance. Lingerie’s evolved into a fashion icon during the 19th century. When men were involved in the First World War, women became the breadwinners of their family. This new identity beckoned them about the need for more practical undergarments that are lighter and breathable, and can be worn during industrial works. Later during the 21st century manufacturers and fashion houses started expanding their manufacturing and marketing with sexy and fashionable designs and colors. There was a renaissance in the lingerie world seen with more focus on female curves, as women went to unforeseeable extremes to obtain the perfect ‘hour glass’ figure.

Lingerie’s were designed with lavish laces, embroidery and ribbons. Today, the intimate wears available in the market have more sex appeal as compared with the ones used in olden days. Exclusive boutiques are also becoming inherently popular in cities. Designer and Branded Lingerie’s:Designer lingerie brands have an ever increasing demand in many countries as they are very fashionable and sensuous. They are considered the best due to their cutting edge designs, and the high quality materials used; subject to strict quality control standards. Thus the consumer can be assured that they are not only buying under garments of latest designs and trendiest fashion, but also a superior product out of their money. Manufacturers concentrated on the ‘Artisan Matrix’, the designing phase, knowledge of body shape, quality, appearance, tradition, and fusion for innovation. Retailers agree that lingerie market have a higher profit margin as compared with other apparels. From dazzling, bold colors, to the soft hues of the color palette, a wide range of collections are available to cater to the tastes of every fashion savvy woman.

The most attractive feature of designer lingerie is its soft and delicate embroidery designs. Most popular color choices of women are pink, red, aqua, and pastel. World’s largest lingerie manufacturer ‘Victoria’s Secret’ operates exclusively in North America. European market is dominated by brands like DB Apparel, and Triumph International. Top brands like Virgina Poppe, Groversons Apparel, Lotus Creations, TNT Fashion limited, sell a wide range of lingerie’s in various colors, and designs to fit every customer’s taste. Other brands like Cosabella, Felina, Fashion Forms, Chantelle, On Gossamer, Jezebel, Spans, Fleurt, and Mary Green also have their share in the global market. Brands like Calvin Klein, Vanity Fair, Jockey, Maidenform etc are renowned for their quality. Some special brands are available which can be worn for certain specific occasions like wedding lingerie etc. Global Lingerie Market:Global intimate wear market is estimated to be around $29.15 billion USD in 2004, $30 billion USD in 2007, and is further projected to increase at the rate of 9% to become $31.6 billion USD by 2012.

Organized players constitute over 40% of the lingerie market currently. Branded lingerie market is further expected by industry experts to see a rise of 25% by 2010. Of the total global lingerie sales, bras account for 56%, briefs at 32%, and daywears make the remaining 12%. Retail lingerie market has grown by $770 million USD. The main concern in the marketing of lingerie’s; worldwide, is the fight for market share between the global brands and the retailer’s local brands. The leading global key player is Sara Lee, a US based manufacturer who also have a strong hold in the European market. Followed by this are other companies like La Perla, Truimph, Maidenform, VF, and Warnaco. In chain stores, Victoria’s Secret of US, Knickerbox of UK, and Hunkemoller of Europe have a whiz market.

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