The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week of June 17-23, 1921 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum. Read more of the 100 Years Ago column at
June 17, pg. 1
“High compliments to Orchard Beach state park as a place of beauty that should be a joy forever were paid last night by a party … numbering seven members and the chief official of the Michigan conservation commission, which includes the state park commission, … expressing satisfaction with the present fine condition and ordering some extensive improvements at once … They were greatly impressed by its natural beauty and the possibilities for its use … The visit could not have been more happily timed … as dozens of automobiles were parked on the high bluffs, while on the picnic terrace a number of happy picnic parties were in session.
“The appointment of Al Magnan as park superintendent has been officially confirmed, and Mr. Magnan and his sister will operate the Lake View Inn and the refreshment pavilion … “Among the improvements ordered were repainting all the buildings, reroofing where necessary, installation of additional bathhouses, … construction of a driveway skirting the high bluff, … all necessary work on the baseball diamond, and the erection of a grandstand facing it.
“‘This park simply knocks all the others cold,’ declared Chairman Pantlind, ‘and the more I see it the more I admire it. And, oh boy! When we get through with the improvements there will not be a place of its nature in the country to touch it.’
“Mr. Millen, of Ann Arbor, also declared himself ‘sold’ on the proposition, and plans to camp out there himself for a few days sometime this summer. ‘I have never seen a more beautiful spot,’ he said. ‘If you knew how we who live away from the lake appreciate what opportunities we too rarely have to enjoy its tonic effects, I believe you would have a deeper realization of the extent to which you are blessed in having these advantages at your very door.’
Pg. 3
“One of the important problems of the past month for social service work was the taking care of transients, according to the report of Miss (Ida M.) Brownrigg. The beginning of navigation together with the coming of the circus and the carnival brought a large influx of homeless men into the city, who either drifted into the Red Cross office or were sent to it. The cases were handled as constructively as possible.
“Another important problem was the desperate work situation in the city. Hundreds of men have been out of employment since last summer or early fall, the savings of even the very thrifty have or are rapidly being exhausted and many families are on the verge of destitution. These cases came in by twos and threes. As the result of efforts to relieve the situation employment was found for 36 persons.
“So large has been the volume of work that Miss Brownrigg finds it necessary to appeal for help … In her report she says: ‘ … a very large number of cases are not receiving attention they should be given, both by the county and city, on account of the total inability of one person to cover the great number of demands … .’
“An editor has been made national prohibition commissioner. This will have no bearing on the time when the cider apples go to press.
“The Board of Commerce has been receiving many requests from prospective tourists for accommodations in private homes during their visit to the city. Locations near the country club and the lake are preferable. If families have rooms for desirable tourists, they are asked to notify the Board of Commerce.
June 18, pg. 1
“Sheriff Hallock returned this noon with John Pattee, Jr., son of Col. Pattee of Detroit, and formerly manager of the local Atlantic-Pacific Tea store, charged with seduction of Miss Carol Gelinas of Filer City …
“Pattee was arraigned in Justice Greve’s court this afternoon. Bail was fixed at $300 …
“Miss Gelinas, who was formerly employed at the tea store with Pattee, returned to the city Thursday. According to her statement, she was persuaded to leave two weeks ago with the man who is 20 years her senior.
Pg. 2
“Announcements have been received here from Mrs. Cecelia Hansen of Chicago, formerly of Manistee, announcing the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Flora S. Fowler, to Robert Marianus Cuming of New York.
“Many Manistee friends of Mrs. Cuming, who as Flora Hansen and subsequently Mrs. Frank Fowler was for a number of years popular in local social circles, will unite in congratulations and all good wishes to the newly-wedded couple.
“The Roman Legion of Manistee High school presented their teacher, Miss Mabel Collins, with a fountain pen as a token of remembrance and appreciation of her untiring efforts as instructor. Miss Collins will not return to Manistee next term as she has accepted a position with the High school of Bay City.
“Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch entertained a party of friends at the club house of the Manistee Sporting and Fishing Club at Pine Creek Thursday evening. The guests were pleasantly surprised when informed that the occasion was the twelfth anniversary of the marriage of their host and hostess. The tables were very prettily decorated, with red and pink peonies and the delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Ida Larsen and assistants. A very delightful evening was spent in visiting and a refreshing breeze tended to make the occasion most enjoyable.
“(Advertisement) Some Breeze! Let old Sol go the limit — boil and broil.
“What care you when you can be provided with an electric fan which brings pure lake breezes to you.
“You’ll feel it the instant you turn on the switch. And you’ll appreciate with time that only an occasional oiling will be necessary to keep your fan in trim.
“We have a limited number of fans and will sell all at Reduced Prices. United Appliance Company. AT THE POWER CO. RIVER STREET. PHONE 42.
Pg. 3
“83 (Grant School and Lincoln School pupils) TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS FROM EIGHTH GRADE.
“Forty-one pupils of the eighth grade were presented with certificates of graduation from Guardian Angels, St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s schools.
“The week’s ball of commencement activities of Woodrow Wilson High school was started rolling successfully last night with the annual Junior Hop which was given to the senior class in Masonic Temple.
“Heretofore it has been customary to make this elaborate event open to all alumni and friends of students. Alumni made special trips to the home town to attend the dance, but this year the function was confined only to students.
“Following a 6:30 banquet … dancing until 1 o’clock provided entertainment for the guests. The hall was beautifully decorated with the class colors of purple and yellow …
“The addition of ‘Swede’ Christiansen with his educated saxophone to Johnson’s orchestra made the music more jazzy.
“With the Junior hop and banquet over, High school seniors today are directing their attention at … the baccalaureate address … Graduation exercises will take place at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, June 22 … The valedictory and salutary addresses will again be omitted this year … The race for (valedictory) honors this year was close. Frank Roberts won out by a margin of two-tenths points. His mark was 93.8 (four-year average), Miss Gertrude Engfer 93.6 and Miss Helen Augst 93.5.
“Kaleva, Mich., June 14. Editor, The News-Advocate: Seeing recently some disparaging remarks in The News-Advocate from a resident of Browntown concerning the throwing out of handbills, would like to state that I believe that the majority of people in the country are VERY GLAD to know of the bargains on sale on a Dollar Day, or about any sale, in fact. It is mighty nice to know right where to head in when one reaches the city looking for merchandise at reasonable rates.
“Also would say that altho I believe in patronizing our own home town merchants, there are some lines we can’t find on their shelves. The distribution of sale bills has been the custom from time immemorial, and many a hard-earned dollar has been made to go a little farther thereby. The custom of having Dollar Day sales prevails also in all up-to-date cities, and Manistee can’t stay behind the rest. (Signed) B. M. Box 42, Kaleva.
“LOST — A pair of trousers somewhere in Manistee River. Reward $5. Call on Paul Cota, tailor.
“Such an advertisement Cota has sent out to young expert divers. For —
“Shortly before the Missouri was scheduled to leave … Steward John Mack saw that his trousers needed a pressing. So he sent them to Cota.
“Just as he had them nicely slicked up the Missouri tooted her last whistle, and Paul, fearing the worst, made a bee-line for the dock. He reached it just a second too late.
“The steward yelled to him to throw the much-needed garment and several pairs of hands protruded from the gangway in eager anticipation for the catch.
“But connections were missed, and the trousers landed on the water, very nearly being ground to shreds by the propellor.
“Evidently the pants were very very much essential in the steward’s young life, judging by the agonized expression which came over his face.
“From now until next Wednesday, days will be of equal duration and the longest between sunrise and sunset of the year. Thursday they will begin to grow shorter, beginning with the loss of a minute from the bottom end of the day, and by next Saturday they’ll begin dropping off a minute at each end.
“A fog settled over the harbor shortly before noon today and its arrival caused the blatting of the fog whistle and also the fog signals of boats in the harbor. The fog was accompanied by clouds which threatened rain. After noon they cleared away and blasted the hopes of those who are anxious for a downpour.
“The summer schedule of the library is announced today. The library will be closed all day Sundays … and will close every evening at 8 o’clock. It is explained that the attendance during the summer does not warrant opening on Sunday, and very few people enter the library after 8 o’clock evenings.
“In these days of rouge, women folks ‘kiss — and make up.’
“The summer wash tie is here. So is its enemy, the red raspberry.
“Among those who do not weep at June weddings is the pa of the extravagant bride.
“As Noah Heap puts it: If the Spratt family had been broke they wouldn’t have been so particular as to what they had to eat.
“In a few days now the young man graduate who piles out to make the 7 o’clock whistle will realize that he wasn’t so bad off, after all, when he had to get up in time to be in school at 8:30.
“According to fishermen who visited Bar Lake last night, the woods in this vicinity were ablaze. The cause, they say, was the fire which burned the big barn on the farm formerly owned by Frank Fowler.
June 20, pg. 1
“WASHINGTON, June 20 — With an extra shade of tan on his face and walking with a springy step, President Harding, accompanied by Mrs. Harding, returned to the White House today after a week-end cruise on the Mayflower, the presidential yacht.
“A week’s activity of automobile and accessory thefts in Manistee and the surrounding vicinity came to a climax yesterday morning with the arrests of Milo Keck of Brethren and Silas Millis of Muskegon … They were remanded to jail upon failure to furnish bail of $2,000 each.
“For the past week Sheriff Hallock has been receiving complaints from local auto owners … of the theft of tools, gasoline, tires and other accessories.
“Owners of garages in Kaleva and Onekama reported that thieves had taken many new accessories …
“(After receiving a tip) Hallock and two deputies prepared to watch the Keck home … The men stood at their posts until 5 o’clock the next morning, but the boys did not appear. Meanwhile, they stole the Dodge car belonging to Otto Anderson of the Michigan Lumber company and abandoned it in Parkdale.
“When the boys were finally arrested … on their return to the Keck place … a search of the car disclosed many accessories which had been taken … Five-gallon cans of gasoline were found hidden along the road between Onekama and Brethren. The Overland belonging to Eugene Jones of Bear Lake was located stranded near the boy’s home, without a license and with three punctured tires.
“One hundred and five students enrolled as Freshmen in the fall of 1917. Of this number there were 43 boys and 62 girls. On June 22, 59 of the 105 students who started together will graduate from the Manistee High School. What happened to the other 46? …
“Five have fallen behind a grade, but are still in school. Three are studying in other institutions, while the rest, 38, have left school … In many cases it is quite evident that the reason for leaving school was poor marks … Work is also given as a strong factor, while sickness, death, marriage, and leaving town have contributed.
“The present class consists of 61 members … one moving in and one retarded … 63% of the 1921 class have been successful in completing the high school course … Compared with the average of the United States it is found to be very favorable. About 42% is the average number in the whole country … compared with the number who start.
Pg. 3
“County Treasurer H. A. Danville has on hand only four sets of automobile license plates, which comprise the last of Manistee County’s quota of 1,600 for 1921.
“After they are disposed of, applicants will be obliged to secure their licenses from the secretary of state at Lansing.
“Summer, officially due tomorrow, apparently arrived some days ahead of schedule.
“This is the week of commencements; proud graduates and tired school teachers. All public schools will be closed officially Friday.
“Motorcycle Policeman Murphy made his second arrest last night since his addition to the local police force … .
“Beginning tonight the special attraction at the Lyric will be Eddie Collins’ musical revue. There will be one show an evening, starting at 7:30. A motion picture will be first, then the musical entertainment, closing with a motion picture … .
“Looks like congress can’t talk peace without getting in a fight.
“A minister says jazz is ‘the profanity of music.’ Sure! Dancers either swear by it or at it.
“Evidence that the vacation season is in full swing is shown by the licenses from many other states seen on automobiles passing daily through Manistee.
“Because of the booking this week at the Lyric of the musical show (Eddie Collins), the Manistee Business Woman’s association benefit picture, ‘Friskey Mrs. Johnson’ with Billie Burke, to have been shown Thursday, has been postponed.
“While the regions north and south of Manistee got a taste anyway of rain yesterday, this city spent another day without a drop. At Arcadia a light sprinkle fell and near Ludington a downpour came shortly after sunrise.
June 21, pg. 3
“Another encouraging industrial note is sounded today with the authorized announcement that the Filer Fibre company, whose plant has been idle since mid-April, will resume operations tomorrow morning with its full force of about 125 workmen.
“While this may be accepted as an indication of trade stimulation, those most conversant with conditions will attribute it more to a desire on the part of the company to provide as much employment as possible to its force.
“Anyway, the fibre plant whistle will toot its glad summons tomorrow morning, and the familiar fumes will soon again be in evidence. And they’ll be good tidings to the workmen.
“Several interesting criminal and (13) divorce cases will be thrashed out in the June term of circuit court … besides the 75 petitioners for naturalization. Divorce suits are summarized as follows: A. G. Stead (Superintendent of Schools), plaintiff, vs. Dora A. Stead … .
“Eddie Collins’ Musical Revue opened a week’s engagement last night at the Lyric to a well-filled house which thoroughly enjoyed the clean, classy and clever performance given by this talented organization. It has been many moons since a real laughing show such as the Collins Revue has played Manistee and the audience was quick to appreciate the antics of the comedian Eddie Collins …
“One of the features of this pleasing Musical Show is the collection of youthful and pretty chorus girls who were handsomely gowned and who sang and danced their way into favor. A beautiful set of scenery formed a pretty background for the production and Manager Lauer is to be complimented on procuring one of the best laugh-producing musical comedies seen here in a long time.
“The committee for the Free Bed Fund wishes to acknowledge with much gratitude a gift of $50 from the Knights of Columbus. This brings the total … to date to $436.25. The amount which must be raised to support this Free Bed for 365 days is $624, so there still remains $187.75 to raise.
“No cherry ever got here before the first robin.
“James L. Henchey is spending a few weeks at Rochester, Minn.
“Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P. Noud of Louisville, Ky., whose marriage here a few weeks ago was one of the major society events of the season, are home for a few days visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noud and Mrs. E. E. Wellman.
“Tony Piotrowsky is home from Hamtramck for a few days to give his attention to local business interests. Tony, who is now operating a drug store in the big Detroit suburb as a branch of the J. and A. J. Piotrowski Manistee enterprises, reports that business is flourishing in the new establishment, but admits that he is tickled to pieces to get back ‘home’ to Manistee even for a brief visit.
“A good old-fashioned run-away was witnessed by pedestrians yesterday afternoon when a team of horses belonging to the Sands Lumber company broke loose at the Pere Marquette freight shed. The animals apparently were out for a good time, for they tore down the sign at Sam Miller’s junk shop, damaged the awning at Buttwell’s store, and gave the neighborhood a scare. Before the horses could continue their rampage further, they were caught at Manthei’s place.
“Summer arrived today for a three months’ sojourn.
“The Girl Next Door says many pictures of health are hand-painted.
“City Manager John Shields calls attention to the danger of fireworks. Boys have been lighting and throwing them about carelessly. Just now with everything so dry more precaution to prevent fires should be taken. Parents are appealed to in an effort to lower the danger of accidents and fires.
June 22, pg. 1
“As a climax to a brief verbal controversy last night in the council chambers, but principally the outcome of a matter which has been hanging fire for more than two years, a warrant was sworn out this afternoon for the arrest of Charles S. Kressler, manager of the Consumers Power company which also operates the local plant of the Michigan Light company, on the specific charge of allowing refuse oil and other waste materials to be put into Manistee river contrary to both federal and local regulations.
“The complaint was signed by Chief of Police Grady under authority of his office as Harbor Master. The defendant pleaded not guilty and his hearing was set for July 14.
“Both Chief Grady and Kressler, though not anticipating a tiff, happened to be in attendance at the meeting of the city commission last night …
“Mayor Rademaker casually mentioned that he had received complaints that oil was coming down Manistee river again in large quantities and asked Kressler for explanation of it. Kressler at a previous meeting … had informed that body that he believed that he had discovered the cause and had ordered a ditch dug near the plant and filled with coke to absorb the waste which he said had accumulated around old slabs and edgings.
“Chief Grady, who in the past has had more than one serious argument with Kressler over the matter and whose patience had been strained by continual complaints … immediately questioned that explanation and said he knew the cause.
“‘We’ve discussed that matter before, Chief,’ said Kressler, ‘and I’ve tried to stop it.’
“‘I’ll bet you $100 I can go over there right now and have it stopped,’ retorted the chief. With this offer he jumped to his feet and made ready to leave, asking Kressler to come with him.
“The bet wasn’t covered, nor did Kressler seem disposed to visit the place at that time of night. The chief then threatened to swear out a warrant.
“The city commission at once authorized him to take what steps he desired to stop the flow of oil. The arrest of Kressler was the result.
“Though the eagle may scream with a bit less vehemence the coming Fourth than he has on some occasions in the past, Manistee is assured of a safe, sane and sensible observance of the holiday.
“A fine stay-at-home program has been arranged by the committee in charge, which while lacking considerable of the jazz features of previous pop-eyed celebrations that left a wake of nervous wrecks for a week subsequent, will provide plenty of entertainment all day long at the minimum expenditure of effort and money … Kliber’s band … Orchard Beach … community picnic … sports and games … baseball … pavement dance on lower River Street … The community will not set a bad example by burning several thousand dollars’ worth of powder, without which at one time no celebration of the Fourth was complete … There is no reason why, with such attractions at home, anyone should go out of town for a hilarious celebration of the Fourth. No nearby cities have any programs more appealing than the one outlined above, anyway.
“If bathers at First Street beach feel something sharp under foot don’t think it’s shark’s or crab’s teeth. The sharp object will be teeth all right, but (sh-h-h) a lady’s set of teeth. Just dig them out of the sand and return them to The News-Advocate, but please don’t ask any questions.
“The young lady who lost them was a member of a swimming party. While up to her neck in water she called to a friend on shore. In so doing her false teeth flew out, through the air, into the water and then settled in the sand.
Pg. 3
“The monthly report of Health Officer Homer Ramsdell shows continued healthy conditions in Manistee. Only four cases of communicable diseases exist in the city at present and these are all in one family.
“Ten cases were reported during the month, classified as follows: 7 smallpox, of which three have recovered, the other four being in the same family, 1 pneumonia, 1 scarlet fever, and 1 erysipelas.
“ These last cases have all recovered … .
June 23, pg. 1
“‘I wish our town had an opera house as good as yours.
“‘I wish our town had a hotel half as good as yours.
“‘I’ve been visiting in 14 cities of Michigan, but I’ve not heard music near as fine as your high school girls just now sang.’
“Dr. Joseph H. Green of the Normal School at Mount Pleasant last night in Ramsdell theatre prefaced his commencement address to the 1921 graduating class and the large audience of fond mothers, fathers, and relatives with the foregoing remarks to emphasize the value of appreciating the advantages at home.
Pg. 3
“For lack of a quorum no meeting of the charter revision commission was held last night.
“Commissioner Mertens is out of the city, Commissioner Zamrowski was attending the commencement exercises at which his daughter was graduated, and Commissioners Macklam, Anderson and Jacobsen for some reason failed to show up, which is true as well for Clerk Graves, who carries the keys.
“Chairman Smurthwaite and Commissioners Vincent and Faber rallied ‘round as usual, and held an informal session on one of the benches in front of the Pilot club rest rooms, but finally decided they might as well go home.
“Father is glad he has finished working son’s way through college.
“The Girl Next Door says it is not so much a question of what to wear as a question of what to leave off.
“Fire department made a run to Oak Grove cemetery yesterday afternoon and soon squelched flames which were gaining headway in the tall grass. The fire is believed to have been started from stray sparks. No serious damage resulted.
“Auto accidents are becoming merely incidents.
“Another Big Week End Special At Our Fountain … Orange Ice Cream. City Drug Store.
June 20, pg. 4
“The time has come according to Washington dispatches when President Harding must be saved from his friends.
“If he is to continue in the prime of physical and mental condition, if he is to serve the best needs of all the 105,000,000 people of the United States, he must be relieved of the necessity of satisfying the social ambitions of scores of persons who daily journey to Washington chiefly for the purpose of basking in the executive’s presence.
“President Harding is primarily a human being who likes his friends and wants his friends to like him. During his service in the Senate he made scores of friends among congressmen and senators. These officials have important constituents back home who visit Washington. When they get there they want to see the president, and their congressman or senator arranges the meeting.
“All this is mighty fine as a means of gratifying the feelings of the important citizen, but it is unfair to the remainder of the United States.
“Brigadier General Sawyer, the White House physician, says the president was never in better health. That’s splendid. But veteran Washington observers who have seen other presidents and other public men in action insist that only a man of iron can continue the pace Harding is following. Conferences all day means that he works every night.
“They fear the country again may find itself reading unpleasant dispatches describing a president’s failing health.
June 17, pg. 4
“(Editorial) KILLING TIME.
“There used to be many people, who as the phrase went were trying to ‘kill time.’ Society folks, young people enjoying vacations, and other leisure classes, had a lot of spare time they did not know what to do with. Many of them were bored with life, used to work hard finding amusement to fill up their dreary hours.
“The time killers in these days seem to have disappeared. Multitudes of women who used to keep servants now do their own housework. Young people who used to spend their summers lolling around in outing clothes, are now working on farms and in banks and offices. Very few people are at leisure except those who can find no work.
“People who have to ‘kill time’ suffer mental and moral decay. It is the busiest folks who find time to do the most for the community. The war has brought many troubles, but it has made our people purposeful and achieving.”